Email Record Guidelines

Working with Emails

The University Records & Archives record retention policies and procedures apply to all official University records generated or received by the University regardless of their media type (paper, digital, audio/video tape, etc.).

University emails fall into one of two basic categories:

  • Emails that are records (official University records)
  • Emails that are non-records

It is important to remember that not all emails are the same. Some emails may be considered official University records while others may not.

Emails that are Records

Currently there is no universal retention period for emails that are records. The retention period of an email that is a record should be based on the type of record the email represents according to the University Retention Schedules.

An email qualifies as an official University record when the email fits within the definition of a Record according to the Arizona State Library and University Records & Archives.

When an email qualifies as an official University record, it is the obligation of the person or Unit responsible for the record to follow all the rules and guidelines pertaining to University records retention and records destruction.

Recommendations and Best Practices

The person or Unit responsible for retaining any emails that are records should transfer them out of the University email system in which they are created or received and into a digital record storage environment controlled by the University. These emails that are records should be properly organized and indexed based on their record series type, purpose, function, creation date, retention start and end dates, etc.

When emails that are records are saved for retention, they should include the following:

  • Sender information
  • Recipient(s) information
  • Time and date of transmission
  • Email subject
  • Full message body
  • Signature blocks
  • Attachments (if any)
  • All corresponding email responses (the full email string)

For outbound University emails that are records, the retention of the official email record is the responsibility of the person who created the email. If an official email record is responded to, the person who created the official email record is responsible for saving corresponding email responses with the original email for retention purposes. If the message body or an attachment of an existing official email record is edited in any way and then forwarded, the modified version becomes a new and separate official email record. The person who performed the email modification and then forwarded it is responsible for the retention of the modified email.

For inbound emails that are records that originate from outside the University, the retention of the official email record is the responsibility of the primary recipient. If it is unclear who the primary recipient of an official email record may be, the Unit responsible for the activity associated with the contents, purpose, or function of the official email record is responsible for the retention of the official email record based on the Unit’s operational procedures.

Email drafts are treated as non-records because they do not represent a final decision, action, or activity.

Emails that are Non-Records

An email that does not qualify as an official email record as described above is considered a Non-Record. Emails that are non-records do not follow any records retention or records destruction guidelines. These emails can be deleted at the non-record holder’s discretion.

Recommendations and Best Practices

If there is any doubt as to whether an email is a record or a non-record, Records & Archives recommends that the person responsible for the email treat it as a record until they can make a definitive determination either way.

Emails that are non-records should be purged on a regular basis once they have served their intended purpose.

Emails that are non-records do not need to adhere to the University records retention and records destruction guidelines, but they still may be subject to review as part of a public records request or as part of an investigation if they exist within a University email system.

Additional Information

All emails (to include all email headers, summaries, addresses, message bodies, attachments, etc.) sent or received using a University email system are the property of the University regardless of whether the emails are generated or received using a University workstation, device, network, etc., or a non-University workstation, device, network, etc.

Refer to the University’s Electronic Email Policy for more information regarding email usage.